
People are only waiting for love can not find true love

Suddenly found that the net around me, some single men and women, I do not know if this cheap bridesmaid dresses is a good thing or bad thing. They cry every day, with loneliness and need to be a pity they love their own people. I can not figure out the problem is that since we are all alone one person, each couple would not band together to form the most natural thing? But this saying is easy, in reality, few and far between. Instead, they pushed each other, like the Arctic Eskimos encountered the indigenous Andes, ????? watching each other, not even the language does not pass.
Only single women are waiting for an object not found
If we must point out which side of the greater error, I think it was a woman. Most men in this respect and there are specific requirements and goals, while women just waiting for a loss.
Of course, some drawbacks of the community also contributed to this situation. School age, we all ran in the academic bent to a better future, focus on learning. Admitted to the ideal of the university, but also to struggle to find a good job, so truly human workplace, promotion and pay rise and began to desperately day and night. This time, look around, only to find their own circle of life is too small, too few people own contacts, and colleagues is not leadership, work until midnight every day, where there are excellent opportunities to get to know the man? This is just like "in the lottery as difficult ah.
Where I now live in Hong Kong. This quarter of the population are foreigners, is a truly international metropolis, have access to a wide variety of people. This place is not the social constraints on individual behavior, most people are good at learning, like entertainment. Nevertheless, there are still many people do not lovers upset.
Child, my mother always said, "go to college will have a boyfriend" every girl born, there will be a boy waiting for her fairy-tale words for these girls had a wonderful fantasy, but one day When they grow up they suddenly found that the world is no object there are too many lonely girl. Even more tragic is that many people did not even experience love, loved not tasted the taste, and some hastily married woman, unfortunately, because of marriage and single living alone again. Do not use the "I just want to work" not have to love, life will be rich this excuse, because there is no one believed, a single is single, is evident to see that written on your face loneliness.
I have a close relationship with the aunt. 30 years ago when she was a revolutionary temperament of single women, not only clever humor, more unusual is that with outstanding beauty, with a sentence that is endowed with both, Xiuwaihuizhong. At that time, she always thought that love or marriage is not required, a person's life more comfortable, so she went around tourism, but also independent and develop a business day, too busy, no time to others, so wasted days later, She has not married until his death. Unfortunately I was not able to because in a foreign country to attend her funeral. Then listen to people say, as she left last words before dying said something like: "I'm really silly, why not children? I suddenly feel very sad. Yes, ah, so a stronger woman, can do do not even tell others of their condition, his life's last sentence, or even return to the family, marriage and children, this can not help Jiaoren stunned?
If life is to marry and reproduce for the purpose, probably a bit too much. But what people can live, but do not love it? Catholic clergy will of God as a husband or wife to love, Buddhist monks disillusioned, six clean. For ordinary people, in addition to parents, siblings and friends outside, but also fell in love with a stranger, with lasting bonds. Human society has been maintained, is to rely on interpersonal relationships you come to me.
Love must not wait, can not beg for God's gift, but should actively seek to go in an upright manner. Need the wisdom born of love and acquired fortune combined to sustain for long, and can get a better outcome. For single men and women thirties, this rule is more applicable.
Market economy lead to fierce competition, survival of the fittest, but also love the pace with the times with the special occasion dresses emergence of new features. When the love of the peak season, when everyone is desperately looking for your favorite objects, as opposed to individuals, for choice will naturally be reduced. No matter how much you want to get married, if you do not pay close attention to take advantage of the season looking for love, then chances slimmer. Remember that good men do not sit there waiting for you.
"Higher, faster, stronger love for the Olympic slogan of the same, I also experienced the single life after a long marriage, almost no object becomes a member of the single Girls, if you ask me the most valuable experience is what I can only say that it was seventeen or eighteen to twenty when the mind suddenly sprouted a sense of crisis, I came to their senses, "so go really marry. At that time I have no love for several years, the character is not good, but the company has all female staff. Weekend and my sister to play with my main, all surrounded around sex. Since the sense of To that problem, I like a crazy start looking for love. Internet chat, go to classes at night to bars, and even increase the number of travel, but also study hard and make-up methods, and worked hard to dance and spoiled.
During this time I suffered a lot of ridicule, but also encountered a dangerous situation. But today, in retrospect, I do not regret it a little, that time is what I have learned the basis for writing this book, which is a university in any not learn. - Hard work pays righteously, I finally had to pay a return. By chance, I met her husband now, I just started he did not love at first sight, but that he looked not bad. In this way we become a little bit which do not romantic or old fashioned pen pal (when he was living in the United States, and I was in Korea). The most groundbreaking step that he asked me to send him a sheet of my photos. At first I sent twelve in the past, then he did not expect to be endlessly more photos (he is the kind of person who will not face Man). So I asked him to meet no return specifically requested to do my image processing division, the company I work hard in the appearance of random walk in the street looks like, all shot down, and then carefully make PS, I really can say is devoting mind.
At that time, the company's leadership and colleagues to see my appearance is not very pleasing to the eye, and I know they are a little out of line, but still continue to command their own instinct to be "a little exaggerated. After this time," under pain of hard work and the "crazy I finally love foothold.
See here, many readers will be challenged, "it is necessary to do this? I will firmly tell you that much necessary when Frankenstein look at me as those who now suffer the torment called loneliness, but they are consistent confession is "why would not with you 'crazy it? today they really understand what is bleak and dark. But do not be too anxious, consciousness is not too late now. In this book I will give you a lot of single men and women speak the truth, but not the warm comfort or anesthesia, but some stimulation and advice, chances are not very pleasing to the ear, and even make you crazy.
I would like to expose about love, "the same truth, hidden in a beautiful romantic picture of those under the brutal truth. A man in the end is how to evaluate the so-called" smart and noble beautiful single woman, no one can say what is out their shortcomings , as well as happiness and love, what is the specific method ... ...
This book can not miss the best part of the charm of the method is self-improvement. I will show wear homecoming dresses and beauty tips. Wilde has a saying: Only superficial people can not see the virtues in accordance to measure a person, because the community only emphasize the virtues. And for women, visible virtues, no doubt looks. Average woman will choose between the beauty and wisdom of beauty, because men more than the eye with the brain.
Since ancient times, the community for the 30-year-old woman is cruel. They are like Geye cup of tea, green is difficult to distinguish.
A 30-year-old woman, most need to learn to love themselves, rather than to love others. Love yourself, end up destination, as was the king, the other is not important. In any case, the two go together, better than a walk.

