
Men's 13-year-old girl abducted children to compel him to have sexual relations with the pro-

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42-year-old Xu Zengyin robbery and theft of imprisonment for five and a half years. After his release, and even collusion with his son's friend Zhang, will be home a 13-year-old junior high school girl abducted Xiaojiang to Dongguan. In the meantime, and his son Xiaojiang Xu repeatedly forced to have sex, want to force him and his son married.
WASHINGTON 42-year-old Xu Zengyin robbery and theft of imprisonment for five and a half years. After his release, and even collusion with his son's friend Zhang, will be home a 13-year-old junior high school girl abducted Xiaojiang to Dongguan. In the meantime, despite the resistance of his son, and son, Xiaojiang Xu repeatedly forced to have sex, want to force him and his son married. Xiao Jiang's mother came to Dongguan to find her daughter, and ultimately help the police rescued her and Xu arrest.
Recently, the City People's Court closed the second hearing of the case and, based on evidence found Xu committed the crime of child abduction and rape. May 30, the court verdict on the case, graft decided to implement in prison for eight years.
Dongguan abducted girls to work
Henan Xu, 42 years old, he did not attend school. During the work, Xu commit robbery and theft, in August 2005, he was sentenced to five years imprisonment for six months. July 2010, Xu was released from prison. A son, Xu Liang (a pseudonym), just 13 years old. Internet cafes are often a small light to go out on the play. In Internet cafes, the understanding of young Zhang. On the ground, Zhang is a "juvenile delinquent, in 2009, bridesmaid dresses he was found guilty of theft, disturb the crime was sentenced to detention for six months.
Xu came out from prison, through the small Liang, met Zhang. Zhang not very old, but already had a "girlfriend, the" girlfriend is a local junior high school students. September 7 last year, Xu Zhang and son about to light with a local hotel for dinner. In the meantime, Zhang brought a "girlfriend and classmate Xiao Jiang, Xiaojiang and small bright peers. After dinner, do not let Xiaojiang Xu home, and advised her to go with them to work.
Xu and Zhang Xiaojiang way to bring the threat of Dongguan, and Xiaojiang find work in a factory.
Forced his son and girls "get married
Soon, Xiaojiang clamor to go home, put the Xiaojiang Xu and Zhang to the implementation of a rental detention. Custody, and his son married Xiaojiang Xu asked. After being rejected Xiaojiang, even Xu Heart deadly trap. Repeatedly stress Xiaojiang and his son have sex in order to achieve "What is done can not be undone results.
Xu's son does not agree to do evil light, refuse and small Jiangfa Sheng relationship, but his resistance to harsh treatment by Xu, Xu repeatedly beaten. At the same time, Xiao Jiang's mother is distraught, shop around to find her daughter's whereabouts. The more you ask, that her daughter was finally brought to Dongguan Xu.
To help the police rescued her mother
Xiaojiang Xu's mother called to her home, but was flatly rejected Xu. Xu suggested that if you want to go home Xiaojiang, Xiao Jiang's mother promised her daughter to marry his evening dresses first son. In addition, Xu is also the mother to ask Xiaojiang Xiaojiang out during all costs. September 15, Xiao Jiang's mother came to Dongguan, and saw the Xiaojiang. After learning of her daughter's face, the Xiaojiang's mother immediately called the police. Day, the public security organs in the rental out of the Xiaojiang rescued, while the Xu captured. In October, fled back home, Dongguan Municipal Public Security Bureau, Zhang was detained and brought back to review the criminal.
Court: graft 8 years imprisonment
As it involves minors, privacy, Dongguan City, recently closed the second court hearing the case. Proceedings, Xu is still not guilty, he argued that he did not abduction, just to work with Xiaojiang to Dongguan. According to evidence, the court heard that, Xu, Zhang gang abduction of minors under 14 years of age from the family, which constituted the crime of child abduction. At the same time, Xu and forced sexual relations with others, young girls, their acts constitute rape.
Court said that Xu was sentenced to Zengyin cheap cocktail dresses intentional crime, after completion of the penalty should be repeated within five years, sentenced to more than the penalty of sin, are repeat offenders, according to the law should be punished severely. Zhang in flagrante delicto full 16 years of age, minors under eighteen years of age, after a good attitude to justice according to law should be punished more leniently.
May 30, the court Xu guilty of child abduction and sentenced to six months to three years imprisonment, rape and sentenced to five years, total sentence of eight months, graft, decided to implement a phase prison for eight years. Zhang guilty of the crime of child abduction, was sentenced to two years.

